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Feng Shui Experience

Two years ago I used to study with a master a simple course of the “Yi Jing”, but yet I found out the teaching are not effective enough and so they are more focused on promoting their auspicious goods and geomancy service. Because of this I decided to give up on half way, and begun to research on another courses or study that will surely enhance my gift and ability.
After a soulful search, I found the courses in “Singapore International Yi Jing FengShui academy” are very interesting, with a deep self-consideration I gave Master Song a call and pay a visit to the school for more information. Unfortunately, the school was so busy, and Ipatiently waited since this year February and finally this October 2012 I got the chanceto study the course.
At first I have a doubt of all the high expenses I have to spend throughout the course, considering I’m only a normal earning employee in a retail industry and I’ve to encourage myself to work hard and save more for this course.
Nevertheless, upon taking finishing the course,I found it so worthy and really helped me to enhance my gift and ability. I learned so much in this course such asauspicious date and time selection in , wedding, house, caesarean, house moving, funeral and ash urn consultant. And also because of this I even can read detailly for my “Ba Zi”Chinese four pillars of destiny and understand it well. Anyway that “Ba Zi“report was given by my previous course master which that he never teach me read probably. In additional, I did learned palm reading, face reading and dream reading in my precious course too.
I consider myself as a keen and very good practice in Yi Jing Geomancy FengShui. But in a comparison the rich 5000 years of history of FengShui in china, I can tell myself as a beginner. And to priority my interest to learn about “Qi Men Dun Jia”, which Idon’t know anything at all, I had made a lifetime decision to resigned for my current fulltime job, to join and be a part of “Singapore International Yi Jing Feng Shi Academy”. It’sgreat chance and opportunity for me to enhance my skill and to learn about the practice in “Qi Men Dun Jia”.
I’m glad that I got a chance to take part of this course and brighten up my life.
                                                                                   CHONG THING THING
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