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The 18th “Secrets of the Feng Shui” Course


Contents of Secrets of the Feng Shui course will assist: those that likes to have geomancy as an occupation, architecture, interior designer, engineer, property companies, leaders in all sectors, governors, company’s CEO, those that likes Feng Shui, decision makers in companies. It’s easy to learn and there are no minimum requirement for those that are interested in the course.
 It’s useful, starting from chapter 1.1 “Yin Yang”, it already can let you understand and let you deter the good and bad of Feng Shui of your environment.
   Through viewing the looks of the house, you can accurately calculate the future of where it stands.
 For houses, offices, buildings, properties, factories, cemeteries and etc, FengShui is simple, user friendly and instant.
 Spells: For “Yin Yang” Feng Shui it increases your luck, helps you disperse bad luck, blessing, works every time with a plus.
 In Experts view: Principal of the college have reach the tip of world class as a Feng Shui Expert cum Professor.
 College lecturers have reach the highest stage in geomancy, not only that but in terms of the Feng Shui, we have fusion in the essence of the past and present in order to present you FengShui’s greatness.
 All lecturers have service countless of clients, throughout the world, with minimum of 10 years’ experience.
 Saying that “a useful sentence is better than of books” a student without a lecturer , will most likely to fail, many waste countless of time, but yet can find an answer. Because of everyone to walk the wrong paths and learn the true arts of Feng Shui; and create a better future for mankind, the great master shall first in time let out some of the Feng Shui secrets, to let students of the class accelerate in the art of Feng Shui, to become a well-known international Feng Shui Master.
Don’t miss your chances, as chances don’t come often. Sign up now…
 Due to overwhelming demand in China and Singapore, Singapore International Yi Jing Feng Shui Academy will like to share the joy of learning of Feng Shui. We have organize the 18th “Secrets of the Feng Shui” course, let us together enjoy FengShui’s breeze!

Satisfactorily Guarantee, if not remedial lessons will be provided!

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